Monday, March 16, 2020


Hi students,

Resultat d'imatges de the picture of dorin gray burlingtonIt looks like we're going to be confined for some days. For the moment, I would like you to read The Picture of Dorian Gray, which you have already bought. Wilde, O. (1881). The Picture of Dorian Gray. Burlington Books, Cypruss.

  • See the following questions and answer them while you're reading. There will be an oral test when you're back. 

Here there' s the audio you can use while reading the book: AUDIO OSCAR WILDE

  • Watch this video first. It's about Oscar Wilde. It's very short and it also has some questions you must answer while you're watching it. 


To answer these 15 questions you can use quotes from the book to support your ideas or mention the number of the page/s. Try to use your own words as much as possible. See the example for the first question.

Less able students: Do not give very long answers if you do not feel confident. 

More able students: Use complex structures where possible. 

1. Describe the young man in the picture. (CH.1) Eg.: As we can see on page 6, the man in the picture is young, handsome and he's got dark curly hair and bright blue eyes. He's also very innocent according to Basil. 

2. How did Dorian feel about the picture and Why? (CH.2)

3. Why was Sybil’s mother worried when she learned her daughter was going to get married? (CH.3)

4. Describe Lord Henry. What are his values? Find Examples from DIFFERENT CHAPTERS.

5. Why does Basil think Dorian’s marriage is not appropriate? (CH.4)

6. What reasons does Dorian give Sybil for leaving her? (CH.4)

7. What changes does the portrait undergo from the beginning to the end of the book? Check DIFFERENT CHAPTERS.

8. Dorain Gray feels regretful sometimes. Find examples in DIFFERENT CHAPTERS.

9. Lord Henry’s influence on Dorian is present throughout the book. Give different examples. There

are plenty of them in DIFFERENT CHAPTERS.

10. Dorian and Basil meet again after eighteen years. What does Basil warn Dorian about? (CH.8)

11. Why did Dorian do to Basil? Why? (CH.8)

12. Who is Alan Campbell? (CH.9)

13. How did Dorian Gray convince James Vane that he wasn’t Prince Charming? (CH.10)

14. What happened in the shooting party? (CH.11)

15. Explain what happened to Dorian at the end of the book and give your opinion. (CH.12)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019



The study set is called THE AGE OF EXPLORATION: BASIC CONCEPTS. It contains 8 terms, including:

TRADE ROUTE: a network of roads along which traders traveled
SILK: a valuable cloth made by silkworms in China
SPICES: Seeds or parts of a plant used to flavor food
EXPLORER: A person who travels to a new place to learn about it.
GOD, GLORY AND GOLD: Motives for European exploration


INVENTIONS GAME in quizlet: Click HERE

The study set is called THE AGE OF EXPLORATION: INVENTIONS. It contains 5 terms, including:

COMPASS: navigational instrument for finding directions
ASTROLABE: instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars
CARAVEL: small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship
PORTOLAND CHARTS: maps used to show locations of ports, sea routes and conditions at sea
PRINTING PRESS: machine with the ability to print and spread information